segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010

Building the bird

This past week i've been trying to get the correct size for the bird so that it can fit the whole thing (Arduino, Wave Shield and LCD) in it.

In a past post ( i built an A4 bird and it definitely doesn't fit what i've got to put in it. So, i tested with the A3 and it didn't get large enough to hold the LCD. Pictures of it with the Arduino inside below.

Now, i printed it on a A2 paper and it appears to be the perfect size. Next step now is to cut it and build the model pieces so i can put them together using MDF. I'm thinking about using 3mm MDF that is not very hard to work and is thick enough to hold everything in place. I intent to buy the MDF and get it done until the end of this week.


Bruno Nunes disse...

Rapaz vc nao ta tendo trabalho no reconcavo não eh?? =P

tá massa!!

mckibillo disse...

Woah! That is AMAZING! Please get in touch with me at josh(at) I would love to help you customize that thing! (I'm the creator of the nanibird template).

Arduitter disse...


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